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¿Porqué se arruga la piel?

¿Porqué se arruga la piel?

La formación de las líneas de expresión y las arrugas se debe a una falta de colágeno y elastina en la piel. El colágeno y la elastina crean la estructura...

¿Porqué se arruga la piel?

La formación de las líneas de expresión y las arrugas se debe a una falta de colágeno y elastina en la piel. El colágeno y la elastina crean la estructura...

¿Cómo manejar manchas en la piel?

How to manage skin spots?

We can call them age spots, sun spots or brown spots, what we do want is for them to disappear. There are two options for treating them: do it at...

How to manage skin spots?

We can call them age spots, sun spots or brown spots, what we do want is for them to disappear. There are two options for treating them: do it at...

¿Cómo cuidar el cuello y el escote?

How to take care of your neck and décolleté?

We may not take into account the care of two very delicate and important areas of the body: the neck and décolleté , which require specific care to keep our...

How to take care of your neck and décolleté?

We may not take into account the care of two very delicate and important areas of the body: the neck and décolleté , which require specific care to keep our...

¿Qué es un suero facial y para qué sirve?

What is a facial serum and what is it for?

A facial serum is a treatment with a high concentration of active ingredients and a liquid texture that promotes rapid and deeper absorption. Its main benefit is how effective it...

What is a facial serum and what is it for?

A facial serum is a treatment with a high concentration of active ingredients and a liquid texture that promotes rapid and deeper absorption. Its main benefit is how effective it...

El contorno de los ojos, ¿Cómo cuidarlo?

The eye contour, how to care for it?

As it is such a delicate area and many times we do not take care of it enough, either because we do not know how or because we do not...

The eye contour, how to care for it?

As it is such a delicate area and many times we do not take care of it enough, either because we do not know how or because we do not...

6 razones para desmaquillarse cada noche

6 reasons to remove your makeup every night

When you consult any skin specialist about the essential care to have healthy skin and delay aging, there is always one constant: cleanliness. Something that is impossible to achieve without...

6 reasons to remove your makeup every night

When you consult any skin specialist about the essential care to have healthy skin and delay aging, there is always one constant: cleanliness. Something that is impossible to achieve without...